Man was separated from God by sin near the dawn of time. God desired a relationship with us that is real and personal so He cast off His Godliness and became totally human in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a perfect life without sin and fulfilled the Law of the Old Testament and every prophecy ever written about Him. Jesus was crucified and died, paying the penalty for the sin of all mankind.
Three days following His death, Jesus defeated death itself and rose from the grave. He ascended to heaven where He now sits at God's right hand.
Following His ascension, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within each believer to help us and guide us in accomplishing our part of the fulfillment of God's will on earth.
Jesus will return to earth one day, and His return will be a day of triumphant judgement as all who have accepted Him will live in eternity with Him and under His care.
All who rejected Him will be subject to an eternity in Hell because of their own decision.
To accept the gift of eternal life with Jesus, one must confess that one is a sinner and acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God and the only source of redemption. Then ask forgiveness of sin, and repent of that sin and follow the path in life dictated by the Word of God in the Holy Bible using Jesus Christ as the ultimate example.